Une revue, deux livres, trois volumes…
Les publications du Black Herald, printemps 2015
Le Black Herald sera présent au Marché de la Poésie, Place Saint-Sulpice, Paris 6ème, du 10 au 14 juin 2015.
The Black Herald n° 5
Literary magazine – Revue de littérature
Issue #5 – Spring 2015 – printemps 2015
160 pages – 15€ – ISBN 978-2-919582-12-9 (ISSN 2266-1913)
With / avec David Gascoyne, Olive Moore, Egon Bondy, Rosemary Lloyd, Pierre Cendors, Andrew Fentham, Peter Oswald, Charles Nodier, Alistair Ian Blyth, Emil Cioran, Bensalem Himmich, Paul Stubbs, Eurydice Antolin, Afonso Cruz, Heller Levinson, Anne-Sylvie Homassel, Philippe Annocque, David Spittle, Cécile Lombard, Jos Roy, Michael Lee Rattigan, Yves et Ada Rémy, Victor Segalen, César Vallejo, Anthony Seidman, Edward Gauvin, Blandine Longre.
Interview with Emil Cioran / Entretien (inédit) avec Emil Cioran.
Contents & contributors / Sommaire et contributeurs
The Black Herald’s editors are Paul Stubbs and Blandine Longre.
Comité de Rédaction : Paul Stubbs et Blandine Longre.
To order the issue / Pour commander le numéro
Tales of the xhuxha’i
bilingual book
translated from the French by the author
recueil bilingue
Black Herald Press, mai 2015
58 pages – 9 € – ISBN 978-2-919582-11-2
« La femme (la xhuxha’i) se retire dans la hutte menstruelle.
Médite le monde.
Elle reviendra dans un corps fait de sang. »
Au fil de contes, de chants, de témoignages mais aussi de quelques malédictions, Anne-Sylvie Salzman, en ethnologue de l’imaginaire, sonde les mœurs et les corps des femmes xhuxha’i – qui parlent aux bêtes, peignent les pierres de leurs menstrues et qui, selon les khyang, auraient pour déesse une matrice séchée. Dits des xhuxha’i esquisse entre les mots la fresque fabuleuse, atemporelle, d’une peuplade dont la chair mythique et immatérielle, à mesure que l’on pense en pénétrer le cœur et l’opaque nature, ne cesse de se dérober à nous ainsi qu’à toute interprétation raisonnée.
“The woman (the xhuxha’i) takes herself to the menstrual shack.
Broods over the world.
She will come back in a body made of blood.”
Through various tales, songs, eyewitness accounts and a few curses, Anne-Sylvie Salzman, as an ethnologist of the imaginary, explores the customs and the bodies of the xhuxha’i women—who talk to beasts, paint stones with their menstrual blood and whose goddess, according to the khyang, is a dried womb. Tales of the xhuxha’i outlines the legendary portrait of a timeless tribe and its mythical, immaterial flesh—whose core and opaque nature we imagine we can grasp, yet which constantly evades us, escaping any reasoned interpretation.
commander l’ouvrage / order the book
& other poems
with an introduction by Paul Stubbs
Black Herald Press, may 2015
70 pages – 9 € – ISBN 978-2-919582-10-5
These poems are ploughing new territories outside of the compulsion to portray any particular emotion or feeling, for what each of them demands of itself is not just ‘expression’ or an escape from expression, but to uproot the very trunk of the language which has already outgrown such things. Blandine Longre, in carving away at the object of the idol of her own primordial will, draws blood fresh from the fingertips of any reader who might happen to pick up and inspect the rough-hewn contours of her truest self—that is from the detritus of each imaginary torso-in-the-making that may float inside of our brains soon after reading her: ‘senses maddened into bone-tales distold: / fronting the words of thick-wet / their loose skeleton only savant mimicry’. (Paul Stubbs)
order the book
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